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Our Favorite Oils


Intune is the #1 oil we use. If you’ve ever been to Marys Yoga class you have had it on your wrist. It’s a delicious blend of patchouli, sandalwood and frankincense. Helps calm us and resets us.


Another one we love that Mary usually rubs on your temples at the end, is Anchor, a blend of Lavender and cinnamon.


Digestzen is a favorite when you’re having indigestion or stomach pain. We use this a lot on our kids when they complain of stomach aches. It’s filled with peppermint, cardamon, ginger and fennel. We will usually roll it on our stomachs. It’s a miracle oil in our family.

On Guard

On guard is a great oil filled with so much goodness, including wild orange, cloves, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary. We use this as soon as someone is getting sick, we rub it on the soles of our feet and the back of the neck. We also use it to prevent sickness (take this on the plane with you).


Breathe is the oil we use when a cold, sniffles or congestion is arising in our family. We rub it on our chest and a little under the nose. It helps clear up your sinuses, it’s so good. Filled with Eucalyptus and Cardamon.


Clarycalm-this is a wonderful blend for PMS and balancing hormones. We keep this oil in our doula bags and we rub it on our mamas tummies in labor. It is a great aid for them. Filled with Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Cedarwood, Geranium, Fennel, Carrot Seed, Palmarosa.