Postpartum Services

Mothering the Mother
Its called the 4th trimester, and its a very special time for a new mom to bond with her baby while also healing from birth. This is also a fragile time where emotions and anxiety can take over. Research shows that postpartum care reduces Postpartum depression by 40%.
“The way a mother is nourished for the first 6 weeks after birth can determine how successfully she gives her light to the world for her next four decades” -Heng Ou ‘The First Forty Days’
Mothers supporting Mothers
Lotus Doula Tribe gives you access to seasoned mothers to help you settle into motherhood. Drawing on the knowledge of our maternal ancestors to help you heal.
Doula Care in the Postpartum period
Enjoy food, treatments and rituals centered around self care & birth integration. We can create packages based on your needs. Our Premium package includes 8 visits, 2x a week for 1 month. Home visits usually work out to be about 2 hours on site and 2 hours shopping & cooking from home each visit.
Enjoy home cooked all organic, local, seasonal ingredients made fresh for you. Focus on warming, nutrient dense and easily digestible foods. Having studied Ayurvedic postpartum healing and traditional Chinese medicine methods, we incorporate those practices in our cooking and our visits. Each visit we will bring a nourishing soup, fresh baked bread, lactation treat and a healing tea.
Postpartum Care
Abhyanga warm oil lymphatic drainage massage, herbal sitz bath blends and prep, essential oil, belly binding, birth integrations, postpartum yoga, closing the bones, sound healing meditation, sound baby care, breastfeeding support and more. We offer home support as well.
Kitchen tidy, dishes, laundry, errands, grocery shopping, sibling and pet support. Each family has unique needs, we will work out your individualized postpartum plan that helps alleviate stress, so you can relax. We come to empower and guide as you heal and begin your journey with your new baby.
What to Expect
Consultation to review dietary needs and preferences as well as treatments you would like. On site days, our team will come to you bringing food and supplies for treatments. We will tidy and help in ways we have established. Daily check ins on mood and emotions for mama and baby. 2 hour on site care to help and provide support.
Overnight Doula support
What Next?
Help us better understand what you need by filling out this survey, so we can customize a postpartum care package that fits you and your families needs.

Purchase your postpartum package
We are excited to help you through this precious time of your life. Our offerings are $4000 for 8 visits, 2x a week. We will spend 2-3 hours.

Looking for hourly postpartum care?
Would you like more help around the house and with baby? Hire one of our amazing postpartum doulas to help prep meals for you and your family, they can tidy up the house, do laundry ect. Help with your baby and newborn care. Assist with self care ie: draw you a bath/herbal sitz bath, shower ect.